How to Attract Children of Your Clients

How to Attract Children of Your Clients

Over the past month there has been some interesting research published regarding two important issues regarding providing financial planning services to younger clients. (under age 45 years) The research I am referring to comes from Business Health Future Ready VIII...
Value Drivers a Framework for Success

Value Drivers a Framework for Success

In our discussions with many financial planners across the Industry we continue to see critical areas of business operations that drive success in Practices. The common threads of success show up continually. Key examples that we observe at Futuro include: Principals...
Succession Plan Program for Financial Planners

Succession Plan Program for Financial Planners

Futuro is pleased to announce the launch of a succession planning program being offered to financial planners. In our discussions with many financial planners across the Industry we have observed a number of critical issues in relation to how they intend to exit the...
Tips for Sole Adviser Practices

Tips for Sole Adviser Practices

I had the pleasure of spending some time recently with one of our Practice Principals who wanted to share with me his client survey results. Our Advantage Program business coach had arranged this for him as it had been some years since he had completed a similar...
The Real Value of Licensee Fees

The Real Value of Licensee Fees

It is times like these that makes the real value of the Dealer Fees you are paying obvious.  This can be quantified by looking at the level, timeliness and relevance of support that your licensee provides to both you and your clients in such unprecedented times. Most...
Uncovering the Iceberg of Financial Advice

Uncovering the Iceberg of Financial Advice

It has been widely reported that costs for providing financial advice have risen significantly over recent years. A recent article from Rod Bertino at Business Health mentioned average ongoing fees at $3,558 per annum in the current landscape of advice. I am seeing...